Monday, March 20, 2017

Guard Dog 2016

Almost two years ago, our youngest daughter wasn't able to keep her beloved Mastiff cross, Cash, with her, so we offered to keep him until she could.  He settled in nicely, with two smaller dogs to hang with, a huge backyard to protect and defend, and a steady supply of sun and dirt to bask in.  We've grown to deeply love this dog, with has steady dignity, deep intelligence and quirky, funny ways. However, in loving Cash, something has moved in me so that now, whenever I see any kind of large animal--elephant, horse, bear, lion, etc.--I find I have a deep connection with them as well, something that I didn't have before Cash came into our lives.  There is something about his size or his dignity that attracts me to these massive beings.  Movies with Elephants especially can bring me to tears.  Cash is in his last days now, having stopped eating, and mostly sleeping.  It's just a matter of time before we call the vet.  I will miss him so very much, but at least I will able to keep loving him through this new connection to the large animals in my life.


  1. Made me cry. Our love for our animals is a real gift repaid by them so many many times. That bonding will never be lost and teaches us so much about what being here is all about. Blessings to Cash and you.


  2. So sorry to hear this Holly. Our animal family members are so important. Thinking of you.

  3. Beautiful meditation. Beautiful piece. I've found myself in the same place trying to figure out when to call the vet for the last time and it always cleaves my heart. Deep compassion for you and your family from me and my animal family.


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